Classroom Discipline Mistakes That Undermine Your Authority
The number one challenge facing you as a novice teacher is the process of establishing yourself as the “authority figure” in your classroom. Unfortunately, implementing your discipline plan the wrong way actually undermines your authority! This New Teacher Help webinar explained how to avoid conflicts with parents, students, administrators, and other teachers when implementing your classroom discipline plan. Webinar presenter, Shannon Holden, Assistant Principal at Republic Middle School in Missouri, discussed parent phone calls, documentation, empty threats, and the emotional aspect of disciplining students. Watch the webinar recording to learn more about classroom discipline mistakes and implementing an effective discipline program.
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New Teacher Help is a professional learning community (PLC) that helps new teachers get advice and support, and share experiences about the first years of teaching. The New Teacher Help PLC is a place where you can post questions, start discussions, and get feedback from experts and peers on the issues and challenges you facing starting out on a career in teaching. Stay connected, share ideas, and get support from other new teachers all across the country.
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When I click on the link to take the quiz it leads me to a different webinar that Shannon Holden did. I am trying to find the quiz for Classroom discipline mistakes that undermine you authority.
Hi Lauren,
I am sorry you are having difficulty with the site. I just checked the quiz link for this webinar and it seems to be working well. Please make sure you have joined the New Teacher Help community, at After joining, click on the Webinar Archives folder of the Community Toolbox on the left side of the New Teacher Help community page. In the Webinar Archives, be sure to click on the folder specifically marked, “2014-12-02 | Classroom Discipline Mistakes That Undermine Your Authority.” The corresponding CE quiz will be located in that folder.
I’ve viewed the recorded version…where is the quiz?
Hi Michael,
To access the corresponding CE quiz, please make sure you have joined the New Teacher Help community, at After joining, click on the Webinar Archives folder of the Community Toolbox on the left side of the New Teacher Help community page. In the Webinar Archives, be sure to click on the folder specifically marked, “2014-12-02 | Classroom Discipline Mistakes That Undermine Your Authority.” The corresponding CE quiz will be located in that folder.