Accelerate Learning with Productive Struggle


happy-654713_1280When we see students struggling, our first response is often to try to rescue them from that struggle. But, not all struggle is bad. In fact, if you help students struggle the right way, you can not only make them become better learners, you can dramatically increase their motivation and engagement and empower them to take full ownership of their own learning. The secret? You have to know the difference between productive struggle and destructive struggle. In this edWeb webinar, presented by Robyn R. Jackson, Ph.D., Founder and President of Mindsteps, for the Assessment for Learning community, attendees learned how to tell the difference between struggle that is productive and fosters learning, and struggle that is destructive and leads to frustration and failure. Attendees also discovered specific ways to foster productive struggle, and the exact approach needed to get students out of destructive struggle and break the cycle of failure.

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Assessment for Learning is a professional learning community (PLC) that provides ideas and resources for teachers to help them with instruction and real-time, formative assessment. The best practices, which are researched-based and relatively easy to introduce into the classroom, can have a tremendous impact on student achievement.  This program is sponsored by Triumph Learning.

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