Presented by Dr. Stephanie Jones, Director of the Ecological Approaches to Social-Emotional Learning (EASEL) Lab, Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Senior Fellow, International Center for Leadership in Education
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Empowering teachers to design their own SEL instruction makes sense; they know their students best. However, many SEL programs adopted by schools consist of scripted and sequenced curricula designed to be used in a weekly 30-minute block often led by a school counselor or designated SEL facilitator. These programs tend to be expensive, require significant training and ongoing support, and limit individual autonomy or choice as adaptations or deviations from the script are seen as threats to program fidelity. Imagine an approach to SEL that is developmental, flexible, responsive to local needs, and focused on strategies for teachers to implement as appropriate, rather than a sequenced curriculum for them to follow. In this edWebinar, Dr. Stephanie Jones shares three big ideas to consider for reimagining how SEL can happen in and outside of school.
This recorded edWebinar will be of value to kindergarten through high school teachers, librarians, and school and district leaders.
About the Presenter
Dr. Stephanie M. Jones is a professor of child development and education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She’s spent the last ten years studying the impact of social-emotional learning interventions on behavioral and academic outcomes of preschool and elementary students. Throughout the process, she has developed and tested programs, pedagogy, and curricula that foster social-emotional competencies among children, adults, and their environments. Stephanie is a firm believer in evaluating educational programs with rigorous scientific research and providing early and middle childhood practitioners and policymakers with accessible content. She’s conducted such research for several programs and early education efforts, including Reading, Writing, Respect and Resolution, Resolving Conflict Creatively, SECURe, and the Head Start CARES initiative. Before she received her doctorate in developmental psychology from Yale University, she worked as a Research Associate at Columbia University’s National Center for Children in Poverty. In addition to serving as Senior Fellow at ICLE, Stephanie serves on numerous national advisory boards including the National Board of Engaging Schools and the Council of Distinguished Scientists for the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development convened by the Aspen Institute. In 2008, she was awarded the Grawemeyer Award in Education for her work on A Vision for Universal Preschool Education; a few years later she received the Joseph E. Zins Early-Career Distinguished Contribution Award for Action Research in Social and Emotional Learning.
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