Presented by Rachelle H. Finck, Coordinator, Social and Emotional Learning, Round Rock ISD, TX
Hosted by Jeff Goelitz, Director of Education, HeartMath Institute
Sponsored by HeartMath Institute
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Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) has grown tremendously over the last decade. Thanks to an explosion of research and the many benefits educators are seeing with students, it is fast becoming an essential best practice for healthy school cultures. But like with anything innovative, it faces challenges and obstacles that can block its implementation. As the coordinator of social and emotional learning for Round Rock Schools near Austin, Texas, Rachelle Finck knows firsthand how to integrate SEL in the face of limited resources, resistance and scheduling demands.
In this edWebinar, she shares key messaging points that have made SEL an integral part of the developmental success of the 48,000 students within her district. Hosted by Jeff Goelitz, Director of Education at HeartMath Institute, viewers will unpack the “why” behind SEL, dive into a variety of models for integrating it into campus systems, and discuss some of the best SEL practices. Rachelle and Jeff discuss:
The goal of the edWebinar is to present an overview of SEL best implementation practices in a school district. Benefits of SEL include increased academic success, decreased behavioral problems, decreased emotional stress, and improved social behavior. PreK-12 teachers and school and district leaders will all learn how to implement SEL in a school district.
About the Presenter
Rachelle Finck currently serves as Coordinator for Social and Emotional Learning in the Round Rock Independent School District located in the Austin, Texas area. In the last three years, she has coordinated a district-wide initiative on integrating social and emotional learning best practices across 55 schools. Rachelle recently facilitated the development of a new framework and learning targets to better guide the social and emotional systems moving into the 2018-19 school year. Previously, she was a middle school math teacher and school counselor.
About the Host
Jeffrey Goelitz is currently Director of Education at the HeartMath Institute. He regularly consults with education professionals, mental health specialists and parents around the United States, Mexico and Canada to improve youth well-being, parent-child communication and classroom climate and performance. Part of his ongoing responsibilities include curriculum development, training and research collaboration. He has created and contributed to numerous educational curricula and programs designed to improve social and emotional learning. Jeff is the co-author of Using emWave® Technology For Children With ADHD; The College De-Stress Handbook: Keeping Cool Under Pressure from the Inside Out; Transforming Stress for Teens: The HeartMath Solution for Staying Cool Under Pressure; the Smart Brain Wise Heart™ online program; and the forthcoming preschool through first-grade program, HeartSmarts Adventure.
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HeartMath Institute is a non-profit and education research organization founded in 1991. With its evidence-based programs and technologies, it works extensively with schools, youth agencies and colleges to help students reduce stress, improve communication and acquire skills in self-regulation.