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Research and Resources for School Pandemic Problems: Social Skills, Screens, Anxiety, and Bullying

Thursday, May 5, 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT

Research and Resources for School Pandemic Problems: Social Skills, Screens, Anxiety, and Bullying

Presented by Dr. Elizabeth Englander, Executive Director, Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center at Bridgewater State University

Sponsored by Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center at Bridgewater State University

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In 2022, educators everywhere are having to cope with kids’ depleted social skills, mental health crises, bullying and cyberbullying, and digital behaviors. Approaches developed prior to the pandemic may no longer be enough to address the emotional and behavioral difficulties seen in so many schools. This edWebinar gives administrators, counselors, and faculty the most up-to-date tools, techniques, and research to address the observed escalation in problem behaviors.

Educators have been tasked with helping children re-adjust to school and peers, parents are reporting difficulty encouraging screen use to return to pre-pandemic levels, and media reports of increased levels of anxiety have highlighted how children of all ages have been affected. Studies conducted during the pandemic have examined these difficulties and developed programming to address them. While some issues will take time to resolve, there are techniques that can bring more rapid relief.

During the pandemic, faculty at the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center have been assembling a wide variety of resources, testing approaches and techniques to help educators cope with the changes seen in children’s behaviors and emotions, both in school and online through social media. This session empowers viewers through effective, tested (and often free) resources and techniques that schools can adopt immediately to help improve children’s social and school skills, as well as their relationships with peers, their social media and screen use, and their mental health.

This recorded edWebinar is of interest to K-12 teachers, school leaders, school counselors, and education technology leaders.


Dr. Elizabeth EnglanderAbout the Presenter

Dr. Elizabeth Englander is the founder and executive director of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center at Bridgewater State University. As a researcher and a professor of psychology for more than 25 years, she is a nationally recognized expert in the areas of bullying and cyberbullying, childhood causes of aggression and abuse, and children’s use of technology.

Dr. Englander served as the special editor for the cyberbullying issues of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Connect and the Journal of Social Sciences and has authored more than one hundred articles in academic journals and books. She is the author of eight books, including Understanding Violence (a standard academic text in the field of child development and violent criminal behavior); Bullying and Cyberbullying: What Every Educator Needs to Know, published by Harvard Education Press; 25 Myths About Bullying and Cyberbullying (Wiley); and the new Insanely Awesome series for children.


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The Massachusetts Aggression Reduction CenterThe Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center is an academic center located at Bridgewater State University. Staffed by faculty and students, it conducts research and provides training and programming for K-12 schools around the world. Services focus on bullying and cyberbullying prevention, social skills and conflict, digital behaviors, and social and emotional learning.



Thursday, May 5, 2022
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
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