Presented by Dr. Robert Furman, Principal, Southpark Elementary School, PA; Rachel Langenhorst, Instructional Coach and Tech Integrationist, Rock Valley School District, IA; and Michelle Luhtala, Library Department Chair, New Canaan High School, CT
Hosted by Lisa Schmucki, Founder,
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In this edWebinar, a panel of innovative educators in different leadership roles in the school community present ideas and “PD plans” for using the free professional learning platform,, Google and other free tools to provide a “PD Buffet” of learning that inspires and motivates teachers and impacts learning.
The objective of the presentation is to share a variety of ideas for how educators in different roles in a school community can foster a collaborative, personalized professional learning culture that energizes teachers and makes a significant impact on teaching and learning, using free, anytime, anywhere resources that provide convenience and also global collaboration. will be featured as the hub for this activity, but other free tools will also be included.
The panelists include Rob Furman, a school principal; Rachel Langenhorst, a tech integrationist; and Michelle Luhtala, a teacher-librarian, who will show how their leadership roles can have a significant impact in fostering high levels of enjoyment in personalized learning for educators, in the same way personalized learning addresses individual student needs and styles.
This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to elementary through high school teachers, librarians and school and district leaders.
About the Presenters
Dr. Robert Furman is an elementary principal, best-selling author, and national keynote speaker. He is also a Huffington Post Edu blogger and 20 to Watch honoree. His latest book is The Future Ready Challenge: Improve Student Outcomes in 18 Weeks. Find Dr. Furman online at his website, his blog, and on Twitter @drfurman.
Rachel Langenhorst is an instructional coach and tech integrationist in Rock Valley, Iowa and she also serves as an adjunct professor for Northwestern College. A 20+ year teaching veteran, Rachel presents nationwide, focusing on technology integration strategies and best practices. She serves as a contributor for Mackin Educational Resources,, and Education Talk Radio. Find Rachel on Twitter @rlangenhorst and on her blog at Tech from the Trenches.
Michelle Luhtala is the Library Department Chair at New Canaan High School in Connecticut and was one of five school librarians named as a “Mover and Shaker” by Library Journal in 2015. She is the winner of the 2011 “I Love My Librarian” Award and the Library Association’s 2010 Outstanding Librarian Award. The New Canaan High School Library won AASL’s National School Library Program of the year in 2010. Follow her on Twitter @mluhtala.
About the Host
Lisa Schmucki is the founder and CEO of, an award-winning, professional learning network that helps educators connect and collaborate to improve teaching and learning—anytime, anywhere. edWeb provides free professional learning for teachers, librarians, and administrators that is sponsored by leading organizations in the education industry. edWeb is a winner of three 2018 SIIA CODiE Awards and one of the AASL 2018 Best Websites for Teaching and Learning. Lisa has 30 years of experience in education in marketing, product management, and product development with companies including Time Inc., Macmillan, Peterson’s, Films Media Group, and Achieve3000. Lisa is a member of the board of the SIIA Education Technology Industry Network (ETIN).
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