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Invention Education: Tools and Strategies to Bring Innovative Resources to Your Classroom

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm EDT

Invention Education: Tools and Strategies to Bring Innovative Resources to Your Classroom

Presented by Elizabeth Colton, STEM Innovation Specialist Educator, Crane Middle School, Crane Elementary School District (AZ)
Moderated by Dr. Jorge Valdes, Education Program Advisor, Teachers and Classrooms Division in the Office of Public Engagement, United States Patent and Trademark Office

Sponsored by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the creators of the EquIP HQ online platform

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Join us for an engaging edWebinar where we will delve into the free comprehensive resources available on the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s EquIP HQ website. Designed specifically for educators, this session will showcase how EquIP HQ can transform your teaching strategies and enhance student engagement.

EquIP HQ offers a wealth of tools, including interactive lesson plans, multimedia resources, and practical activities, all aligned with educational standards. During this edWebinar, we’ll explore the most effective ways to integrate these tools into your curriculum, ensuring that your students benefit from dynamic and innovative learning experiences.

Our expert presenter will guide you through the key features of EquIP HQ, demonstrating how to navigate the website and customize resources to fit your specific teaching needs. Whether you’re looking to introduce intellectual property concepts, stimulate creative thinking, or simply add variety to your lessons, EquIP HQ has something for you.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enrich your teaching toolkit and inspire your students with cutting-edge free educational resources. Join us and discover how EquIP HQ can help you foster a more engaging and interactive classroom environment. This edWebinar will be of interest to middle and high school teachers, librarians, school leaders, district leaders, and education technology leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.

Elizabeth Colton

About the Presenter

Elizabeth Colton, STEM Innovation Specialist Educator, is an accomplished instructor with 18 years of experience in STEM and career exploration at Crane Elementary School District in Yuma, Arizona. Recognized as the Arizona Rural Teacher of the Year in 2022 and an Apple Distinguished Educator in 2019, she emphasizes the integration of technology for student success. In 2023, Elizabeth became a Master Teacher of Invention and Intellectual Property. Other notable successes include a top 20 ranking at FIRST and securing a provisional patent for their Aqua Box in 2018, leading to the founding of Youth Innovators Project Inc. Elizabeth holds degrees from Brigham Young University and Northern Arizona University and actively engages with the Yuma community to promote STEM education. She is a respected leader and expert in her field, sharing her expertise through podcasts, presentations, and advocacy for student-centered education emphasizing innovation and creativity.

Jorge Valdes

About the Moderator

Dr. Jorge L. Valdes is Education Advisor at the United States Patent and Trademark Office where he is focused on increasing intellectual property knowledge through education, outreach, and collaborations with a broad range of stakeholders including development of professional development programs for educators nationally. Prior to his role in government, Dr. Valdes held leadership positions at AT&T Bell Labs and received the E.O. Lawrence Laureate award from the U.S. Department of Energy on behalf of the President of the United States for pioneering work in reagent generation technology. Dr. Valdes received his Ph.D. from Columbia University and has an MBA from Northwestern Kellogg School of Business. He holds 33 U.S. patents and has published over 100 research papers in science and technology. Dr. Valdes was Co-founder of the Young Science Achievers Program—a national program dedicated to empowering more young women and students underrepresented in STEM fields and careers.

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EquIP HQEquIP HQ is a free online resource that fosters intellectual property understanding at age-appropriate levels. Included are activities supporting invention education, project-based learning, and cross-curricular standards-aligned content shared through stories of inventors. EquIP HQ is a product of the USPTO.

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