Presented by Sarah Brown, Ph.D., Senior Director, MTSS Solutions, Renaissance Learning; and Holly Windram, Ph.D., Executive Director, Hope Network’s Michigan Education Corps Reading Corps and Math Corps Programs
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In a recent survey* more than 400 middle and high school educators shared their experiences using (or attempting to use) Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) within their schools. Their feedback highlighted the universal challenges and barriers that often prevent the successful implementation of MTSS at the secondary level.
In addition to concerns over student wellbeing, academic remediation, and teacher burnout, a widespread misconception was discovered: MTSS just works better at the elementary level. However, evidence suggests the opposite. Despite these real barriers, using an MTSS framework can not only benefit our middle and high school students, but educators as well. View this edWebinar to learn:
This recorded edWebinar is of interest to middle and high school teachers, school and district leaders, education technology leaders, and MTSS, RtI, and assessment coordinators.
*Survey conducted by SmartBrief and Illuminate Education, 2022.
About the Presenters
Dr. Sarah Brown is the senior director of MTSS services at Renaissance Learning. Her work focuses on implementing MTSS at multiple levels of the education system and improving systems to support high achievement for every student. Before joining the Renaissance team, Dr. Brown served as the executive director of professional learning at Illuminate Education. Prior to that, Dr. Brown led special education and MTSS implementation for the state of Iowa as a bureau chief at the Iowa Department of Education.
Dr. Holly Windram is the executive director of Hope Network’s Michigan Education Corps Reading Corps and Math Corps programs. Since 2012, MEC started with K-3 Reading Corps and expanded to PreK Reading Corps growing from 17 to 65 schools across Michigan reaching almost 3,000 kids, and secured $7,500,000 in state funding. In fall 2017, Michigan was chosen as the first pilot replication state for Math Corps serving students in grades 4-8 to be algebra ready by ninth grade. Dr. Windram is the chair of Grand Rapids Chamber Education and Workforce Development Committee. She serves/has served on the advisory board for the Literacy Center of West Michigan, Education Trust-Midwest Early Literacy Workgroup and Education Advocates, Talent 2025 K-12 Education Workgroup and Early Childhood Workgroup, Launch Michigan Literacy Workgroup, and the Muskegon Literacy Coalition.
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