Presented by Rachel Roberson, Senior Program Manager, Education Content, KQED; Angelica-Mae Valerio, Program Manager, STEM Education Professional Learning, KQED; and Victoria Lowe, School Librarian, New York City Department of Education
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The language of visual design offers a powerful way to motivate students and demonstrate learning. How can educators use infographics to help students communicate ideas, concepts, and data?
In this edWebinar, viewers learn simple, easy-to-use tips and techniques for creating data visualization across content areas. And yes, as part of this session, you’ll have the opportunity to start making your own infographic as a model for your students. You don’t need to be an artist or graphics guru…all you need are these hands-on, classroom-proven techniques to make learning and thinking visible!
This recorded edWebinar is of interest to K-12 teachers, librarians, school and district leaders, education technology leaders, and instructional coaches.
About the Presenters
Rachel Roberson is an experienced teacher leader and curriculum content developer who has served as a classroom teacher and administrator at public, charter, and international schools. Rachel specializes in professional learning facilitation and curriculum development, strategy, and implementation. At KQED, she works to connect educators and students to KQED online education sites, KQED Learn and KQED Teach, by creating humanities curricula and professional learning content, supporting product development, championing youth-created media in and out of the classroom, and leading projects and partnerships focused on teachers and classrooms. Rachel is a graduate of Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism and received her California teaching credential in secondary English and social studies from Mills College.
Angelica-Mae Valerio is KQED’s Program Manager for STEM education professional learning and a secondary science field supervisor for University of San Francisco’s Urban Education and Social Justice Teacher Education Program. She leads professional development workshops for educators, with the focus on incorporating media literacy skills in science instruction and is an instructor and course developer for KQED’s Media Academy for Educators. Angelica has presented workshops on media production in science education at the California STEAM Symposium, CUE and to various school districts in the Bay Area. She has also presented workshops about implementing interdisciplinary project-based learning and culturally relevant science pedagogy at the California Partnership Academies: Educating for Careers Conference and Free Minds, Free People Conference. Prior to her current roles, Angelica worked with Green Dot Public Schools in South Los Angeles and in the Oakland Unified School District as a high school life science educator, teacher leader, and instructional coach. She is passionate about the intersection of science, social justice, and uplifting youth voice.
Victoria Lowe is serving as a school librarian in the New York City Department of Education. She has taught in the NYCDOE for more than 20 years and is working toward her MSIS at SUNY Albany. She holds the following certifications: Nearpod Certified Educator, Flipgrid Certified Educator, Kami Certified Educator, Mote Certified Educator, Microsoft Innovative Educator, Google for Education Certified Trainer, Apple Teacher, Newsela Certified Educator and Teacher Trainer, and Common Sense Educator. She has presented locally, regionally, nationally, and globally on instructional strategies to support student learning. She considers herself a lifelong learner and is proud to be a KQED Media Literacy Innovator.
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KQED is a nonprofit, public media station and NPR and PBS member station based in San Francisco that offers award-winning education resources and services free to educators nationwide. KQED Teach is a collection of professional development courses that empower educators to teach media literacy, make media for the classroom and lead media-making projects with students in K-12.