Presented by Charles Field, CEO, School Family Media; and Lani Harac, Director of Marketing, PTO Today
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Emerging from a school year that pushed schools and families online as never before, we all expect a more normal school year ahead. However, we also expect this school year may be the beginning of a new normal for schools, teachers and families.
In this recorded edWebinar, explore what may emerge for schools when newly acquired online skills coincide with the generational shift to Millennials, filling K-8 schools with the first-ever fully digital native parent community. We share insights into parent expectations from our daily conversations with parent group leaders, teachers and district staff, and discuss ways teachers and schools can become a successful part of this digital leap forward.
This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to K-8 teachers and school and district leaders.
About the Presenters
Charles Field is an entrepreneur and operator dedicated to leading companies as they define emerging business opportunities and scale into new markets. As Chief Executive Officer, Charles is responsible for establishing the vision for School Family Media, leading strategic initiatives and leading the day-to-day success of the organization. Prior to SFM, Charles helped make the investment in School Family Media for Sunlight Capital Group, and he brings more than 10 years of direct experience building digital marketing and media businesses in the education sector. Charles received his MBA in marketing from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a BA in economics from Amherst College.
Lani Harac (she/her) oversees the content, email, social media, and website marketing initiatives for PTO Today, a property of School Family Media. The most trusted partner for all school parent groups throughout the United States, PTO Today provides advice, ideas, resources, encouragement, and community for the parent group leaders and volunteers who work hard to make their schools stronger for families and teachers. She lives in the Boston area with her husband and two daughters and currently serves as treasurer for their elementary school PTO.
Closed captioning will be added to the recording within 2 weeks of the live presentation.
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TeacherLists, the school supply list solution, makes it easier for school administrators and teachers to manage and share supply lists. We integrate TeacherLists into in-store and e-commerce shopping at national retailers including Target, Walmart, Staples and Amazon. Busy parents love the convenience of shopping their child’s lists with just a click!