Presented by Dr. Monica Burns, Curriculum and Educational Technology Consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator, and Founder of
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What makes a learning experience personal for students? And what is the outcome when schools create these experiences? This edWebinar focuses on how administrators, principals, and education leaders can personalize the learning happening in their school or district.
Join edtech curriculum consultant, Dr. Monica Burns, for this special event. Dr. Burns discusses how to make learning relevant, interesting, and exciting for students. She shares:
This edWebinar is geared towards K-12 school and district leaders.
About the Presenter
Dr. Monica Burns is a curriculum and educational technology consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator and founder of As a classroom teacher, Dr. Burns used one-to-one technology to create engaging, standards-based lessons for students. She has presented to teachers, administrators and tech enthusiasts at numerous national and international conferences including SXSWedu, ISTE, FETC, and EduTECH. She is the author of several books including Tasks Before Apps: Designing Rigorous Learning in a Tech-Rich Classroom (ASCD). She visits schools across the country to work with PreK-20 teachers to make technology integration meaningful and purposeful. You can find out more about working with Dr. Burns and her books and resources by visiting
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Britannica Digital Learning’s mission is simple: to ignite curiosity and spread the joy of discovery. With nearly 250 years under their belts and an institutional product suite that reaches over 32 million students across the United States, the organization believes that its job is to give educators effective, engaging tools that they can depend on to meet the personalized needs of their students and communities.