Presented by Dr. Ian Jamison, Head of Education for Generation Global; Claire Lorentzen, U.S. Education Manager for Generation Global; with Cory Davis, Educator & Generation Global Dialogue Facilitator, Lewis and Clark High School in Spokane, Washington
Sponsored by Generation Global
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Our students are growing up in a world that looks very different to the one we grew up in. It is essential that we foster specific skills in each of these learners to better prepare them for the world they will enter upon leaving school. In this webinar, the presenters explored the skills of understanding, empathy and effective dialogue. Not only do these skills better prepare students for work and life beyond school but they allow them to successfully navigate the difficult conversations and differences they will encounter.
Whether we like it or not, our world is becoming smaller and more connected every day. It is essential that we create opportunities for our learners to have first hand, meaningful experiences to best prepare them. Technology is prevalent in everyday life; it affords us as educators the chance to connect our students with other learners from across the globe. Look at how educators can leverage technology to connect their students with their counterparts across the globe through virtual classrooms and safe, monitored online environments.
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This webinar is designed for middle and high school educators of all subjects, especially those who teach social studies, history, civics, or ELA. Library media specialists, tech integration specialists, middle school and high school principals and vice-principals, and district administrators also will benefit from this session.
Dr. Ian Jamison is the Head of Education for Generation Global. An experienced trainer, Ian trains teachers around the world on the Generation Global’s pedagogy of dialogue, working in a number of challenging environments. He is an advocate of the power of dialogue for empowering people to address challenges, build understanding, and positively transform societies. Ian taught Religious Education for twenty years, and has experience of subject leadership in a number of schools, including Head of Religious Education. He won the Guardian Award for Teacher of the Year in a Secondary School in 2007. Ian has also contributed articles to a number of publications and is the author of a well-respected senior level textbook.
Claire Lorentzen is the U.S. Education Manager for Generation Global. In this role, Claire leads Generation Global’s program delivery, teacher support and training, and outreach in the US. She has been involved with Generation Global since 2012, first as a dialogue facilitator, and then as a project manager. Claire holds an MA in Religion from Yale Divinity School and a BA in Public Policy from Stanford University with a concentration in International Development.
Cory Davis teaches AP English Literature and AP Psychology at Lewis & Clark High School in Spokane, WA, where he has worked for 14 years. In addition to his teaching duties, Cory is entering his 7th year as advisor and instructor for the school’s Generation Global club and his 6th year as a video conference facilitator for the Generation Global program. Cory holds a BA in English from Washington State University and an MA in Religious Studies from Gonzaga University.
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With Generation Global, you can give your students the skills and experience to flourish in a interconnected and complex world. It is designed for 12-17 year olds and is active in more than 20 countries around the world.