Presented by Dr. Sascha Longstreth, Associate Professor and Interim Department Chair, Department of Child and Family Development, College of Education, San Diego State University; and Dr. Sarah Garrity, Interim Associate Dean and Professor, College of Education, San Diego State University
Moderated by Jennifer Lewis, President, Gryphon House, Inc.
Sponsored by Gryphon House
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This edWebinar prepares early childhood consultants, coaches, and leaders to implement a simple five-step process that can be used to create and revise discipline policies that support young children’s social-emotional competence. Viewers will be able to:
The presenters share examples from case study programs, an overview of the seven essential features and 34 items of the TAGPEC, and pause-to-reflect activities that support learning of the consultative stance.
This recorded edWebinar is of interest to PreK-3 teachers, school and district leaders, and early childhood consultants, coaches, and leaders.
About the Presenters
Dr. Sascha Longstreth is Interim Department Chair and Associate Professor in the Department of Child and Family Development at San Diego State University. She began her career as a preschool teacher and has extensive experience in a variety of educational settings. She has worked with the YMCA, Head Start, and Polinsky Children’s Center to train early care and education teachers on topics related to infant and early childhood mental health. Dr. Longstreth’s research is closely connected to her teaching practice, and she is currently investigating the quality of discipline policies in NAEYC-accredited programs across the nation. She has also investigated teachers’ perceptions of continuity of care and is deeply committed to the exploration of practices that support children’s developing social-emotional competence.
Dr. Sarah Garrity is the Interim Senior Associate Dean for the College of Education at San Diego State University. She also serves as a Professor in the Department of Child and Family Development and is a Co-director for the Center of Excellence in Early Development (CEED). She was a practitioner in the field of early care and education for almost 20 years as a Head Start teacher and administrator and was also a literacy coach for a state-funded early childhood program. She has taught classes on language and literacy, social-emotional development, and infant/toddler and preschool development. Her research explores the socio-cultural and linguistic complexities of educational settings and seeks to examine how to best support and understand the early childhood workforce.
About the Moderator
Jennifer Lewis is the president at Gryphon House, Inc., the leading publisher of educational resources for teachers and parents.
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Gryphon House, Inc. is an award-winning publisher of early childhood resources for teachers and parents.