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Apps to Teach Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Wednesday, August 1, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT

Apps to Teach Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Presented by Frances Amato, STEM Educator, Technology Liaison, Doctoral Candidate
Sponsored by Monarch Center for Autism, STAR Autism Support, and VizZle

Watch the Recording

If you view the recording and would like a CE certificate, join the Teaching Students with Autism community and go to the edWebinar Archives folder to take the CE quiz. 

The goal of this edWebinar is to share apps to support learning and engagement of students with autism spectrum disorder. Students with autism spectrum disorder learn best through visuals and with differentiated academic support to meet their individual needs.

In this edWebinar, Frances Amato, STEM Educator and Technology Liaison, reviews her favorite apps for ELA, math, behavior needs and schedules — all educational in nature. They can be utilized throughout the school day to support students’ handwriting, reading, spelling and more. The presentation goes through apps such as ClassDojo, School Schedule, Spellyfish, Simplex Spelling and others.

Pre-K through elementary teachers, school leaders, and paraprofessionals will benefit from watching this recorded edWebinar.

Frances AmatoAbout the Presenter
Frances Amato is a STEM teacher and technology liaison. She works at a District 75 school that is located on Staten Island, New York. She works with students with cognitive delays in an alternate assessment program. Frances created a successful STEM program within her school six years ago. In this program, she teaches her students coding, circuits, programming robots, digital literacy and more. Frances has been an educator for 16 years. She is also a doctoral candidate. Frances is expected to confer her Doctor of Philosophy in educational technology and design by December 2019.

If you view the recording and would like a CE certificate, join the Teaching Students with Autism community and go to the edWebinar Archives folder to take the CE quiz. As a member of the community, you’ll be able to network with educators, participate in online discussions, receive invitations to upcoming edWebinars, and view past edWebinars to earn CE certificates.

edWeb members can download a personalized CE certificate from their edWeb member page. Not a member?  Join here!

monarch center for autismMonarch Center for Autism, a division of Bellefaire JCB, is located in Cleveland, Ohio. Monarch offers a comprehensive array of programs and services for individuals ages three through adulthood with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Highlights, which incorporate Monarch’s visual language treatment model, include a preschool; day school for children, adolescents & young adults; transition education program; summer & extended school year programs; therapeutic residential treatment program; adult vocational & supported living programs; and community training.


star autismSTAR Autism Support (SAS) provides curriculum materials, workshops and training to school and agency staff who work with students with autism. Our mission is to help others successfully implement research-based applied behavior analysis (ABA) techniques. We want every child with autism to receive effective instruction!


vizzle autismVizZle provides a library of more than 14,000 lessons and the tools and media to customize them or create your own from scratch. The lessons can be tailored to any grade level, assigned to any student, and played on iPad or Android tablets, laptop or desktop computers. Data is tracked automatically. This award-winning software is developed collaboratively with educators.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
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