Presented by Sarah Brown, Ph.D., Executive Director of Professional Learning, Illuminate Education
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Many educators expect students to return this fall with an increased depth and range of social-emotional behavior (SEB) and academic needs. More than ever, it will be important for educators to focus first on the universal needs of all students to allow for targeted resources to have the best possible effect. Doing so will ensure educators are able to recover lost learning and accelerate new learning for all, without relying solely on specialized resources in Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports.
Watch Sarah Brown, Ph.D., Executive Director of Professional Learning at Illuminate Education, in an edWebinar to deepen your understanding of the universal tier—and increase your confidence in identifying universal academic and SEB needs and monitoring the effectiveness of your Tier 1 efforts.
In this session, learn:
This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to K-12 teachers, school and district leaders, assessment coordinators and specialists, MTSS coordinators, school psychologists, data analysts, and instructional coaches.
About the Presenters
Dr. Sarah Brown is the executive director of professional learning at Illuminate Education. Her work focuses on implementing MTSS at multiple levels of the education system and improving systems to support high achievement for every student. Before joining the Illuminate team, Dr. Brown led special education and MTSS implementation for the state of Iowa as a bureau chief at the Iowa Department of Education.
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Illuminate Education partners with K-12 educators to equip them with data to serve the whole child and reach new levels of student performance. Our solution brings together holistic data and collaborative tools and puts them in the hands of educators. Illuminate supports over 17 million students and 5200 districts/schools.