As a growing number of school districts are turning towards digital tools to support teaching, it’s important to ensure that these tools are adding value by transforming learning experiences. The SAMR model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) and TPACK model (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) can help schools as they transition to using more digital tools. In a recent edWebinar, Michelle Luhtala, Library Department Chair, New Canaan High School, CT, reviewed these models and discussed apps that can take teaching, learning, and reading to the next level.
In this #edWebinar, explore the two primary approaches to technology integration: SAMR and TPACK.
Teaching in a digital age requires a whole new layer of knowledge and expertise. TPACK – Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge – is a framework that helps teachers evaluate how their knowledge domains intersect to create a complex, situated form of knowledge in order to effectively teach and engage students with technology.