Flipping your class is not about having students watch videos at home. In this edWeb.net webinar for the Digital Educator community, Crystal Kirch discussed the shifts required for flipped learning, and how to design an effective flipped learning environment using her WSQ strategy.
This webinar was designed to assist teachers and students in creating more effective and dynamic classroom or online presentations in many different platforms. The ideas presented can be immediately applied to existing presentations – turning old songs into a epic legends that people will never forget.
Teachers and students have an overabundance of information at their fingertips to make teaching and learning more “real time” than ever before. Teachers are no longer the lone “giver of knowledge” that they once were. How do teachers not only find engaging content for their students, but how can they also be creators of engaging content? What are ways we can curate and organize this content?
This webinar looked at how to create a blended classroom online by using a number of tools, including Google Apps for Education, Remind, and Learning Bird. Through using online tools and services, educators can create a blended learning environment, both online and offline.
We have seen how technology is transforming and redefining classrooms all around the world, but the math classroom feels left out. There is a place for technology in our math classrooms. Let’s change our “calculation math” classrooms to a world of investigation, collaboration and problem solving.
Sharing digital material within your professional network is becoming more common, and people are using their digital portfolios to do so. In this webinar, presenter Holly Clark stressed the importance of creating and maintaining your professional digital portfolio.
Making the digital transition in your classroom or school is not only a technical shift but a cultural one, too. Daily routines, activities, and exercises may require a new tool or strategy in your 21st century classroom. This edWeb.net webinar, held by The Digital Educator: Skills for Success community, covered best practices in “going digital.”
In this webinar, presented by The Digital Educator community at edWeb.net, Tanya Avrith addressed a framework to get started with teaching digital citizenship in your class/school. Learn ideas on how you can begin to teach your students how to build their digital identities and become caring citizens of a connected world using social media and the web.
Differentiated instruction is getting more attention these days as the education system shifts from a cookie-cutter classroom to a student-centered learning environment. This webinar, held by edWeb.net community, The Digital Educator: Skills for Success, discussed the importance of differentiated instruction and provided tips for implementation.
As we exit the golden age of the textbook and increasingly begin to use digital content in our classrooms, it becomes essential for all teachers to have the ability to create and share their own digital lessons.