In this edWebinar, we will discuss how competitions help new generations of students with self-expression and the ability to analyze and solve problems.
Traditional public schools must ensure continued success in order to compete for students against charter schools, online learning, and other forms of education. Dissatisfied students, parents, and even staff leave schools needing to work harder than ever to regain the confidence of everyone. In “The Public School in an Age of Choice: How to Compete for the Win,” Kevin Baird, Chairman of the Board at the nonprofit Center for College & Career Readiness, presented the issues traditional public schools currently face in retaining students and staff, and solutions leading to higher retention and student success.
The public schoolhouse is under pressure to compete for students. How do we keep the best and brightest choosing our schools? How do we ensure continued success? Drawing on lessons from global brands, we consider how to win the School Choice Challenge. This webinar will be especially valuable for administrators in public K-12 schools and districts.