Maybe your state reading scores show your students are below grade expectations, or teachers have noticed that as students move up in grades, they don’t have the decoding skills to read more advanced texts. As an education leader, there are a few foundational strategies you can put in place to support your staff and students.
Presented by Dr. Jana Echevarría, Professor Emerita, California State University, Long Beach
Presented by Dr. Lucy Calkins, Robinson Professor of Literacy at Teachers College, Columbia University, Founding Director at The Reading & Writing Project at Mossflower, and Senior Author of Units of Study in Writing, Reading, and Phonics; and Katy Wischow, Staff Developer, The Reading & Writing Project at Mossflower
Presented by Dr. Margarita Calderón, Professor Emerita, Johns Hopkins University; and Amanda Dobbins, Vice President of Professional Learning Services, Scholastic
Presented by Robyn Moore, Ed.D., Elementary Literacy Coordinator, Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools (VA); Elise Lovejoy, MA, CEO and Founder, Express Readers; and Sharon Dunn, M.Ed., Sharon Dunn, MTSS Leadership Consultant, LLC
Moderated by Terrie Noland, Ph.D., CALP, Vice President of Educator Initiatives, Learning Ally
Presented by Dr. Michael Hebert, Professor and Associate Dean of Teacher Education in the School of Education, University of California, Irvine, and Director of the UCI Writing Project
Moderated by Pam Austin, Director of Instructional Technology, Voyager Sopris Learning
Presented by Dr. Stephanie Stollar, Creator, Reading Science Academy, and Assistant Professor of Reading Science, Mount St. Joseph University School of Education; and Angela Cammarata, National Literacy Consultant, Zaner-Bloser
Presented by Antonio A. Fierro, Ed.D., Vice President of Professional Learning and Academics, 95 Percent Group; and Maya Goodall, Chief Strategy Officer, CORE Learning
Moderated by Kristie Shelley, Chief Product Officer, CORE Learning
Presented by David and Meredith Liben, School Leaders and Experts in Literacy Instruction; and Dr. Amanda Alexander, Chief Academic Officer, Scholastic
Presented by Tim Rasinski, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Literacy Education at Kent State University, and Author; and Chase Young, Ph.D., Author, Professor in the School of Teaching and Learning at Sam Houston State University, and Editor of Literacy Research and Instruction
Moderated by Kim Carlton, Senior Academic Officer, Teacher Created Materials