The cornerstone of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is equity—meeting each and every student’s needs regardless of the barriers. Since the steps between wanting to make the change in a district and actually implementing MTSS can seem daunting, experts during the edLeader Panel “MTSS Success: “Light Lift” Solutions & Strategies to Improve Behavior & Mental Health,” offered their tips for getting started.
Presented by Shai Fuxman, Ed.D., Behavioral Health Expert and Senior Research Scientist, Education Development Center (EDC); and Kristi Goff, District Lead MTSS Coordinator, Valdosta City Schools (GA)
Moderated by Jessica Berlinski, Director of PreK-12 Education, Ripple Effects
Presented by Kristin Rockwell, M.A. Ed., Professional Learning Manager, Illuminate Education
Presented by Jaime Harris, Ed.S., NCSP, School Psychologist, and Co-Founder of eduCLIMBER, Illuminate Education
In this edWebinar, RTI expert and author Dr. Denise Gibbs shares practical advice for setting the right goals for intervention students.
Challenging behaviors can be difficult to address in children with autism. After appropriately identifying the behavior, a suitable intervention can be used to proactively or reactively reduce and replace it. Experts reviewed key points and effective ways to address these problem behaviors in the edWebinar, “Effective Approaches to Reduce and Replace Challenging Behaviors Exhibited by Children with Autism.”
In this edWebinar, learn how to identify functions of challenging behaviors, which help to determine why children engage in different types of behaviors.