While educators and school district administrators have grown used to reviewing assessment results and other forms of student data, they may not yet be looking at newer and increasingly important metrics such as online engagement, trending use of apps, and the return on investments in software.
Large school districts in different parts of the United States have now developed systematic ways to increase diverse students’ access to advanced courses, and the districts are also providing other important aspects of an equitable education that prepares the students for 21st century careers.
In this edWebinar, discover how education leaders are using data analytics to make data-informed decisions, identify trends, and develop targeted professional development strategies.
In this edWebinar, Heather Callihan of Northwest Public Schools in Nebraska shows how make your students responsible and fluent social media users.
What can apps teach you about leadership? It may not be what you expect! In this edWeb.net Essential Elements for Digital Learning community Jeff Mao explored leadership at multiple levels and from multiple perspectives.
Being a digital leader today is more important than ever. From effectively using technology, to keeping in touch with your school community, to creating innovative ways to engage with staff; the role of the digital leader is is a crucial one.
Today’s learners, or Millennials, want to rewrite the rules, and collaborate to solve problems. They see institutions as irrelevant, but they also want structure and boundaries. This presents an interesting challenge for school leaders as we attempt to provide creative learning environments for today’s students and staff.
In a time when budgets are tight and schedules are even tighter, educators must be creative and agile as we seek ways to connect with families and fortify the essential home-community-school relationship that best supports kids. Schools must differentiate outreach efforts to meet families where they are – in the same way teachers must differentiate for students with diverse needs.
Digital leadership is a strategic mindset and collection of behaviors that harnesses and leverages resources to create a meaningful, transparent, and engaging school culture.