Presented by Rebecca Abbott, Professional Learning Lead, UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science
Presented by Jacqueline Barber, Associate Director, University of California, Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science
During this edWebinar, you will learn how to construct challenges that develop critical thinking throughout any content area, especially in an online platform.
The goal of the course is to give a primer on why Antarctic geoscience is critical to understanding the present and future consequences of climate change.
Learn how more challenging performance tasks drive deeper learning gains for students and how to construct connected tasks that build on prior learning.
In this edWebinar, Dr. Sweet will discuss her path into a science career as well as her research in plant ecology and conservation biology studying shifts in vegetation due to climate change in Joshua Tree National Park.
Join this edWebinar to get a better understanding of the basic concepts of media literacy education and multimodal storytelling and how to use them to engage your students in identity exploration activities that will foster self-awareness, empathy, and critical thinking.
In this edWebinar, Robin Leichenko and Karen O’Brien present an integrative approach to teaching about climate change. Drawing on their new textbook, Climate and Society: Transforming the Future.
This edWebinar will share some of the coolest summer camp experiences littleBits has participated in to date to give us all some summer inspiration.
In this edWebinar you’ll learn about Pulitzer’s variety of programs and resources, which include compelling news stories from around the world, and methods that the Center and its educator partners have spent over a decade developing to engage and challenge students to think critically about how news is made.