At the beginning of the edtech wave, superintendents saw many benefits from using digital resources in the classroom. But, they also saw a large number of resources being recommitted to just this one aspect of education: space for server farms, money for hardware and software upgrades, overworked personnel, etc. District IT offices were taking on the same tasks as Fortune 500 companies without the ability to implement them as effectively. For administrators looking to take the focus of edtech away from upkeep and back to learning, moving to the cloud could be the answer. Presenters of the edWebinar, “Cloud Computing: Taking Advantage of the Latest Technologies,” which is part of the Empowered Superintendents edWebinar series, shared their reasons for switching to the cloud, how it has helped their schools, and their advice when making the transition.
Today’s school districts have just only begun to scratch the surface of how the cloud can be used to support their data center strategies. Making use of this technology can also help IT staff with the problems they face. In a recent edWebinar, Simone Welter, ENA Product Manager Cloud Solutions, and Alan Greenberg, Senior Analyst & Partner for Wainhouse Research, reviewed how the cloud can be used to address some of the challenges in school districts today.
In this edWebinar, Simone Welter, ENA Product Manager Cloud Solutions, outlines the various ways the cloud can be used to cut costs, mitigate the impact of detrimental cyberattacks, and streamline operations.
Webinar presenter, Shannon Holden, Assistant Principal at Republic Middle School, MO, compared and contrasted the features and functionality of these two cloud-based storage platforms and discussed with webinar attendees how to use these platforms for the classroom!