Presented by Hedy Chang, Executive Director, Attendance Works; Dr. Katreena Shelby, Principal at District of Columbia Public Schools; Shelly Gray, Principal of Literacy at District of Columbia Public Schools; and Amanda Alexander, Ph.D., Chief Academic Officer, Scholastic
The best lesson plans and classrooms don’t make a difference if the students aren’t present. Chronic absenteeism poses a significant challenge for students, so what can be done about it?
Presented by Dr. Joshua P. Starr, Managing Partner, The Center for Model Schools; Dr. Jessica Huizenga, Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools; Elliot Ransom, Co-CEO, UChicago Impact; and Dr. Joe Gothard, Superintendent of Schools, Madison Metropolitan School District (WI), and 2024 National Superintendent of the Year
Presented by Sharon Bradley, District Director, Author and Speaker, RestorativeFlo Educational Solutions
Moderated by Kyra Rhoads, Education Partnership Regional Manager, Committee for Children