This edWebinar discusses components of a neuropsychological assessment and identifies useful intervention techniques for children with ASD.
“Every individual should be able to access things that they like,” said Monica Fisher, M.Ed., BCBA/COBA, Director of the Behavior Department at Monarch Center for Autism during an edWebinar. “It is our right to engage in preferred activities, spend time with family, and connect with the community. If there are behaviors that you are seeing in your students with disabilities and challenging behaviors that are limiting these rights, then it is something we need to fix as it can have a long-term impact on their quality of life.” Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), a technological and professional systematic approach, is designed to analyze and change behavior by identifying a behavioral problem, gathering relevant data, and formulating/testing a hypothesis. Fisher said that while ABA is a useful tool for looking at and changing the challenging behaviors of students with autism, it can apply to different parts of everyone’s lives. “ABA is how we have all learned and how our lives are shaped by behavior.”
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is, at its heart, a processing disorder. And while the students with ASD face a variety of challenges depending on where they fall on the spectrum, even those considered high functioning have difficulties with pragmatic social language and understanding social interactions. So, when educators mainstream students with ASD and hope that they will learn how to interact in the classroom just by watching their peers, the educators are setting up the students for failure. Nina Finkler, a learning consultant with years of experience working with students with ASD, says success comes when schools actually acknowledge the different needs of students with ASD and set up individualized supports throughout their learning career. In her edWebinar “Meeting the Needs of Students with ASD Within the Mainstream Classroom”, Finkler outlined the biggest challenges with mainstreaming and key strategies for helping them thrive in their new environment.
In this edWebinar, Monica Fisher, M.Ed., BCBA/COBA, explores both scenarios—proactively teaching skills and reactively implementing interventions.
In this edWebinar, Nina Finkler, M.Ed., LDT/C, BCBA, President of Nina Finkler Autism Services, provides an understanding of the learning, behavioral, social, and language needs of students with ASD.
. In this edWebinar, Nina Finkler, M.Ed., LDT/C, BCBA, and President of Nina Finkler Autism Services, will highlight the specific areas of deficit associated with autism spectrum disorder, how they impact success within the classroom and provide suggestions for strategies to incorporate into the classroom.
A variety of comorbid mental health conditions occur regularly for many children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Anxiety disorders, anxious symptoms, and developmentally appropriate “worries” present themselves in students with ASD in as many ways as they do in more typically developing children, and they often lead to behavioral challenges for students with ASD.
Please join us for this webinar, presented by Dr. Christine Barry, a Pediatric Neuropsychologist at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, as she discusses neuropsychological evaluations for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as well as useful intervention techniques.
Current & Emerging Technology for Individuals with Autism: Building Communication & Education Skills
Please join us for a webinar that focuses on current and emerging technologies that impact learning and communication.