edWeb Supports EdCampFLX
edWeb makes it easy for educators to connect virtually anytime, anywhere, but educators love to connect in real time and EdCamps are a great way to do it. Here is an article on a recent EdCamp in upstate New York.
More than 40 participants packed the Canandaigua Middle school library to kick off the first EdCamp in the Finger Lakes Region.
The half-day event was a collaboration between two area district professional development directors, Anneke Radin-Snaith, Naples Central School and Katie McFarland, Canandaigua City Schools, along with regional support from the Jessica Sheridan from Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES.
EdCamp veteran participants created a session board with many diverse conversations ranging from Formative Assessments to Character Ed.
The board full of topics met the needs not only of K-12 teachers and administrators, but Pre-service and Higher Education professionals too. Sessions allowed participants to share ideas and resources such as edWeb, which embrace the personalized professional development movement.
A link to the session board can be found here on the event website.
edWeb contributed to a drawing offering 3 free subscriptions to our new service, edWeb.TV.
If you’d like to have edWeb support your EdCamp, contact us at [email protected].
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