App Smashing: Combining Apps for Innovative Student Projects
One of the latest trends in edtech is “app smashing,” but what is it? App smashing is the process of using – or “smashing” – different apps together to complete tasks and create rich student projects. App smashing can help maximize the potential of digital tools by combining their features and functions. It can include combining apps for the process of research, note-taking, synthesizing, media-making, and sharing. Students learn how apps can work together to create cool projects. In this webinar for the Digital Classroom community, edtech guru Jon Corippo shared more about app smashing – how to do it, great apps for smashing, and sample student projects – to get ideas on bringing this innovative practice to your classroom.
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Digital Classroom: Teaching with Tech is a free professional learning community (PLC) where educators share ideas and best practices around meaningful integration of technology and teaching. Members can learn about the best apps, websites, and games for learning and examples of how teachers are using them. Webinar topics also include learning frameworks and models, and practical ideas and tips. This program is hosted by Common Sense Education.
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