20 Ways to Promote Your School and Invigorate Staff Meetings
In the edWeb.net Leadership 3.0 community’s latest webinar, presenters Scott Rocco and Brad Currie gave practical examples of how school leaders can utilize technology, social media and web 2.0 tools. Brad and Scott explored the tremendous impact that Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google Apps, Flickr, Instagram, Audioboo, Smore, iPads, SmartPhones and other tools can have on real time communication. In this day and age, school stakeholders appreciate information that is timely and gives them a sense of satisfaction knowing that students are engaged in a safe and innovative learning environment. Attendees came away with some truly effective and simple methods that can help provide transparency and pride within a school community.
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Leadership 3.0: Essential Skills for Innovative Principals is a professional learning community (PLC) that will help school principals use Web 2.0 tools to be an innovative leader, help teachers grow professionally, improve student learning, and improve communications with all stakeholders.
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