The My Voice National Student Report

thumbs_myvoice_logo_200pxA new report reveals what happens when schools focus on student motivation and listen to student voice. The My Voice National Student Report highlights the responses from nearly 60,000 students surveyed from 200 schools across the United States in grades 6-12. The Student Summary takes a deeper look at what motivates students in their own words.

The data was collected through the My Voice Student Survey, which was developed by the Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations (QISA) and administered by the Pearson Foundation’s My Voice initiative. The survey is grounded in the proven framework of 8 Conditions that Make a Difference created by QISA.

This survey aims to identify the keys to academic success and motivation. Understanding the results, unique to each school, allows educators and administrators the ability to develop action plans that harness student potential and address the areas that need improvement.

For more information visit: My Voice National Student Report and My Voice.