School administrators never know when they’ll be moving on. Whether it’s the end of the contract, a change in board membership, or a change in the community’s needs, the only certainty is that the next leader should be ready to take over.
Each school year brings new challenges, but the key for school leaders is to convert these challenges into positive opportunities. During the edLeader Panel “Leading Learning in the 2023-2024 School Year: Challenges and Opportunities,” two superintendents who serve as the Chair and Co-Chair of the CoSN/AASA EmpowerED Superintendents Advisory Panel, along with the Executive Director of AASA, The School Superintendents Association, identified five areas of concern for this year and how they are addressing them. is a free professional learning network that provides educators with online learning communities and edWebinars. edWeb has grown to a global community of over 1 million educators from preK – higher ed. edWeb provides personalized, collaborative learning—anytime, anywhere. The benefits of virtual professional learning became even more apparent during the pandemic, and continue to… read more →
It’s more important than ever to equip students with the tools they need to succeed in a rapidly evolving work world. Creativity, flexibility, communication, and problem solving are among the most highly touted skills in the workplace today, yet they are often left out of the traditional K-12 curriculum.
edWeb announces the launch of the edWeb Voice, a new publication featuring the voices of education leaders on important topics in education.
For the last decade, school districts have been struggling with teacher attrition rates, as the average “burnout” rate for incoming teachers has been approximately five to seven years. While state and local education agencies have been working on various strategies to get more teachers in the classroom, a new crisis has emerged: attrition in educational leadership.
Reinventing Professional Learning to Provide More Choice, Flexibility, Equity, and Work/Life Balance
In this Education Talk Radio interview on “Re-inventing Professional Learning to Provide more Choice, Flexibility, Equity, and Work/Life Balance,” host Larry Jacobs talks with Lisa Schmucki, the Founder and CEO of, and Larry Cocco, Senior Professional Learning Consultant for, about innovative ways that school districts are reinventing professional learning—for teachers, paras, and for all staff.
Developing good educator-family relationships seems like a daunting task. After all, teachers can have anywhere from 25-75 students across their classes, and the ratio for guidance counselors and administrators could be as high as 500:1. But engaging families and creating true partnerships with them results in better outcomes for everyone.
Research has shown that social-emotional learning (SEL) increases academic achievement, improves behavior, and contributes to the overall sense of well-being for students and teachers. However, we can’t teach what we don’t know, and so for that reason, SEL starts with adults.
Research shows that strong relationships with families optimize student progress. Luckily, family involvement is an essential element of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) that helps parents and caregivers support their children’s academic journey.