How Game-Based Learning Transforms Math: Unlocking the Power of Play
Presented by Dr. Raz Kupferman, Professor of Mathematics, The Hebrew University
Presented by Dr. Raz Kupferman, Professor of Mathematics, The Hebrew University
Presented by Leah Zimmermann, Ph.D., Clinical Assistant Professor of Special Education at the University of Iowa; and Carolyn Brown, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Iowa, and Co-Founder of Foundations in Learning
Moderated by Angelia Hoyer, Partner Success and Professional Development Lead, WordFlight
Presented by Jacqualine Govan, Ed.S., Collaboration Director, Arkansas Head Start State Collaboration Office; Bridget Walker, Ph.D., Educational Consultant, Professional Development and School/District Success Coach; and Natalie Jude, Special Education Teacher, Bellingham Public Schools (WA)
Moderated by Jessica Berlinski, Director of PreK-12 Education, Ripple Effects
Presented by Grady Burrows, Executive Director, HIT in the CLE; Shaun Wilson, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, IBM; and Jeremy Shorr, Senior Director of Emerging Technologies and Digital Innovation, TIES Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM
Presented by Joseph Manfre, Mathematics Educator, Punahou School (HI)
Moderated by Toni Rose Deanon, Sr. Manager, Community Management, The Modern Classrooms Project