Presented by Emily Kircher-Morris, M.A., M.Ed., LPC, Author, and Podcaster
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Closed captioning will be added to the recording within 2 weeks of the live presentation. Get a CE Certificate for this edWebinar Learn more.
Twice-exceptional learners are a unique layering of advanced cognitive ability (giftedness) and neurodivergence (autism, ADHD, dyslexia, etc.). Sometimes, their giftedness hides their struggles, until they are no longer able to compensate for their difficulties. Other times, their disability overshadows their giftedness, leaving them without the opportunity for advanced learning. Teachers who understand how these factors interplay and develop strategies to use strengths-based accommodations give twice-exceptional learners the chance to succeed that they deserve.
In this recorded edWebinar, discover:
This recorded edWebinar will benefit K-12 classroom teachers, gifted teachers, special education teachers, school counselors, and administrators.
About the Presenter
Emily Kircher-Morris, M.A., M.Ed., LPC, inspired by her own experiences as a twice-exceptional (2e) learner, is dedicated to supporting 2e children—including her own—in a way she wasn’t during her academic years. She has taught in gifted classrooms, has been a school counselor, and is now in private practice as a licensed professional counselor where she specializes in helping gifted and twice-exceptional kids. Emily is the president and founder of the Gifted Support Network and speaks at statewide and national conferences. She also hosts The Neurodiversity Podcast, which explores parenting, counseling techniques, and best practices for enriching the lives of high-ability people.
Closed captioning will be added to the recording within 2 weeks of the live presentation.
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