Presented by Kelli Erwin, Senior Instructional Design Manager,; and Jeff Meyer, Director of Education,
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As most educators know, many state assessments now require students, starting as early as third grade, to write online. Yet, many students in third grade can’t type with proper technique, or without looking down at the keyboard. In fact, 6 out of 10 educators say that a lack of keyboarding skills negatively impacts student performance on online assessments.
Though 67% of all middle-skill job openings require a minimum proficiency with word
processing software, keyboarding instruction is being left behind in many schools.
IN this edWebinar co-presented by Kelli Erwin, Senior Instructional Design Manager, and Jeff Meyer, Director of Education from, take a fresh look at using digital curriculum to equip students with keyboarding skills. This sessiongives several practical tips and provides:
This edWebinar is ideal for elementary and middle school educators, whether your school already has a keyboarding program or you’re looking to get started. Learn how to engage your students and provide personalized keyboarding instruction to meet their individual needs. Middle and elementary school classroom teachers, technology teachers, library media specialists, principals, vice principals, and technology coordinators are invited to watch.
About the Presenters
Kelli Erwin is the senior instructional design manager for By implementing best practices in education and instructional design, she guides the creation and update process for’s digital literacy curriculum and assessments. Kelli has over 20 years of experience in the field of education as a classroom and virtual school teacher, district level administrator and curriculum designer. Kelli holds an MS in instructional design and is a doctoral candidate in the area of curriculum, instruction and assessment.
Jeff Meyer is the director of education for and resident product expert for its digital literacy solutions who works to identify best practices for internal and external audiences. Jeff has 34 years of experience working in education as a public school teacher and coach, district curriculum and technology director and administrator. He is passionate about the need to transform education using data-based, inquiry-driven approaches and digital resources, especially with urban students and educators. Prior to his eleven years of service with, Jeff worked in the Austin and Eanes school districts, Education Service Center, and University of Texas at Austin, Texas.
Join the Success in a Digital World community to network with educators, participate in online discussions, receive invitations to upcoming edWebinars, view past edWebinars, take a quiz to receive a CE certificate for a past edWebinar, and access free resources. helps students, teachers, and schools excel in a digital world. We provide solutions to support educators as they build students’ digital literacy skills and transition to digital content. We work with 1 in 6 districts across the US and serve 5.6 million students across more than 20 countries.