This edWebinar will explore a process for using technology to effectively capture, and communicate student work with peers, families, and the community.
In this edWebinar, learn the essential elements of assessment that improve learning and illustrate classroom strategies that improve learning for all students.
In this edWebinar, Shannon Holden explores the features of two of the most popular video creation tools—Powtoon and Biteable.
In this edWebinar, watch edtech enthusiast Shannon Holden as he simplifies the process of picking the right video-sharing platform, video editor, or screencaster to suit your needs.
Teachers wanting to “flip” their classrooms are faced with a dilemma: how can they make students accountable for what they are learning? In this edWeb webinar from the Tech Tools for the Classroom community, middle school assistant principal Shannon Holden showed educators how to use to make class materials interactive for their students.
Formative assessment is one of the most effective ways for a teacher to affect student learning. In fact, formative assessment has been shown to affect learning more than class size and educational level of the teacher!
Google Hangouts began as a way for friends to meet online to chat about random topics. As time went on, people discovered that the platform is perfect for gathering a group of classmates to study. Shannon Holden showed teachers how to leverage the power of Google Hangouts to provide “anytime – anywhere” learning and student collaboration.
One great aspect of the “App Revolution” is that new apps are being developed for students and educators every day! In this webinar, Assistant Principal Shannon Holden showed educators how to find and implement iPad apps that will take student learning to the next level.
Over the past few years, Skype has grown from a quirky platform with limited functionality to an excellent tool for students and educators alike! Middle School Assistant Principal Shannon Holden showed teachers how to communicate and collaborate with educators around the world with Skype.
Schools across the United States have been integrating Google Drive into their instructional programs for years, and many report an increase in learning, collaboration, and FUN! University Adjunct Instructor, Shannon Holden, walked educators through the process of taking a classroom “paperless” with Google Drive.