Presented by Dr. Doug Brubaker, Superintendent, Fort Smith Public Schools (AR); Dr. Ann Levett, Superintendent, Savannah-Chatham Schools (GA); and Dr. Kristi Wilson, Superintendent, Buckeye Elementary School District (AZ), and President of AASA
Strategic planning for edtech is an endless journey—and not just because of constantly evolving hardware and software. Upgrading infrastructure, device maintenance, and ongoing professional development, in addition to program and device costs, mean tech initiatives need permanent budget lines that take into account the total cost. In the edWebinar, “Strategic Technology Planning and Investment,” which is part of CoSN’s Empowered Superintendent series for edWeb, three superintendents who’ve been in the trenches for all aspects of district edtech plans discussed effective financial planning for technology.
In this edWebinar, learn from superintendents how they lead district efforts to align priorities, and balance choice, cost and outcomes.