It’s been a rough year, especially for students. Virtual and hybrid learning, schools opening and closing, struggles with technology and access, sickness and restrictions. Who wouldn’t be anxious, scared and out of sorts with this level of disruption?
Presented by Lauren Tarshis, SVP and Editor-In-Chief/Publisher, Scholastic Classroom Magazines; Pam Allyn, Author, Speaker, Innovator, and Education Expert; and Audra Wallace, Editorial Director, Scholastic News
In this edWebinar, Jennifer McCarty Plucker, Director of Professional Learning at Mackin Educational Resources, along with Michelle Luhtala, Library Department Chair at New Canaan High School in Connecticut, will highlight instructional strategies that enrich students’ lives by empowering them to connect with their feelings and empathize with others while learning core content through inquiry.
A social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum adds valuable lessons to a student’s normal school day that will help propel them beyond academic success and onto success in life too. No matter the program, there are common practices that lead to creating a successful and sustainable SEL environment. The presenters of “7 Must-Haves for Successful and Sustainable Social-Emotional Learning” reviewed these common practices and shared how they work in their district and school.