Presented by Dr. Gabrielle Rodriguez, Superintendent, Central School District #104 (IL); Donna J. Whyte, Education Consultant; Dr. Evelyn Johnson, Vice President of Research, Riverside Insights; and Dr. Lisa Micou, NCSP, Senior Assessment Strategist, Riverside Insights
In this edWebinar, you’ll learn about new tools for collaborative teams to use as they take collective responsibility to determine essential standards for both content and social-emotional learning, design developmentally appropriate assessments aligned to instruction, and monitor student progress to boost early childhood learning and development.
Join this webinar to learn how to use technology to extend your traditional lessons and open up new possibilities to your students. During this live, interactive event, Sarah Rich will show you how to “tech out your lessons.”
Join Steve Spangler to learn how to use elements of the story line to teach and reinforce fundamental parts of your early childhood science curriculum.