On this month’s interview on Education Talk Radio, hosted by edweb.net, Karen Collias, founder of Knowledge without Borders, shared some insight on how online learning communities can be used to expand the knowledge base of educators, worldwide. Karen has broad and extensive experience in the field of education, including a PhD from Columbia University, global… read more →
The Prek-3 Digital Learning community on edWeb.net was proud to host presenter Mark Schlichting in this month’s session. Mark, a veteran children’s designer and creator of Broderbund’s Living Books series, shared his insights and experiences from 25 years of experience creating award winning educational interactive content for children.
In this month’s Exploring eBooks for K-12 webinar on edWeb.net, presenter Carl Harvey provided ideas and examples of how educators and their students can create their own eBooks. He discussed how creating eBooks can be used as to tool to align with Common Core standards for collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.
Are you looking for a new project for your Early Childhood class? Have you checked out the various Blogs, Lanky parties, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.? This month’s Prek-3 Digital Learning webinar presented by Christi Gonzalez focused on a variety of educational applications and websites that educators can use on their lessons.
In this month’s EdTech Innovators webinar, presenter Tim Clark discussed the benefits he has seen of implementing BYOT in Forsyth County, GA. He talked about personalizing students’ learning experience, empowering them to create something new that shows what they know
In this month’s Prek-3 Digital Learning on edWeb.net, presenters Becky Conners and Julia Young shared unique ways to incorporate the 4 C’s recommended by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills ~ Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creativity (+ Compassion) into your curriculum.
Online professional learning helps solve the problem of time constraints because the time and place can vary. Educators can connect with other people who share similar concerns to deepen their learning by obtaining worldwide perspectives.
In this month’s TechTools webinar on edWeb.net, presenter Shannon Holden shared numerous techniques teachers are using to help students study at home using digital resources. He also discussed how using flashcard technology such as Quizlet and StudyBlue, allows students to study key concepts in their classes ON their mobile phone, iPod, laptop, or tablet!
In the first session in the 3 part series from PBS on edWeb.net, presenters Carolyn Jacobs and Cynthia Warner discussed interactive ways to integrate multiple methods and tools into your reading lesson. They shared ways you can use video clips, activies, and note taking to enhance understanding of informational text. They also showed video clips to illustrate ways the tools can be used.
In this month’s New Teacher Help webinar on edWeb.net, persenter Shannon Holden talked about the use of digital portfolios by teachers and students to demonstrate learning. He discussed how digital porfolios are becoming more widely used in the classroom, as students are able to take charge of what they learn and how they present their learning to teachers and parents. Join Shannon Holden as he helps teachers utilize this great new way to get students excited about learning.