Whether schools are 1:1 or still relying on computer carts, the move to online assessments creates new needs from devices to professional development to data privacy policies. During the edWebinar, “Online Assessment: An Effective, Coordinated, District Leadership Team Approach,” administrators from the Hampton Township School District in Pennsylvania offered lessons they learned from implementing a comprehensive online assessment program.
In this edWebinar, three district leaders share how they work to effectively lead the implementation and use of online assessments in schools.
In this edWebinar, school superintendents and one state superintendent of public instruction share how they lead the drives to leverage online assessments.
Online assessments are becoming more common, and students who have strong digital literacy skills often score higher on them. Students who lack these skills may not be able to effectively demonstrate mastery of key concepts in math, reading or writing on online assessments. Technology and digital literacy specialists at Flagstaff Unified School District in Arizona reviewed the importance of teaching digital literacy skills and how their district is doing so in “Improving Student Performance on Online Assessments.”
In this edWebinar, learn how to improve your students’ performances on online assessments like PARCC using digital literacy skills.
From Online Assessments to Digital Citizenship, Creating a Continuum of Instruction.