Presented by Nancy Hennessy, M.Ed., Literacy Consultant; and Julia Salamone, M.Ed., Instructional Specialist, The Haverford School for Boys (PA)
Presented by Travis Nelson, Library Media Consultant, Richland County School District One (SC); and Dr. Kendra Lynn, K-12 Literacy Coordinator, Richland County School District One (SC)
Presented by Dr. Colby Hall, Assistant Professor of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education, University of Virginia; and Dr. Michael P. Mesa, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Children’s Learning Institute at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Moderated by Dr. Amanda Alexander, Chief Academic Officer, Scholastic
Presented by Dr. Nicol Russell, Vice President of Implementation Research, Teaching Strategies; and Lesley Jennings, Manager, Early Literacy Certification, Teaching Strategies
Presented by Jeff McCoy, Associate Superintendent for Academics, Greenville County Schools (SC); Dr. Zandra Jo Galván, Superintendent, Greenfield Union School District (CA); and Dr. Maria Joie Austria, Director, Curriculum, Strategy and School Supports, Language Acquisition Division, Office of Teaching and Learning, District of Columbia Public Schools (DC)
Moderated by Joan Macenat Charles, Regional Partner (DC, DE, MA, MD, VA), Really Great Reading
Presented by Susan Lambert, Chief Academic Officer of Elementary Humanities at Amplify, and Host of Science of Reading: The Podcast
Presented by Tom Gantt, Director of STEM Specialists at Amplify
Presented by Daryl Michel, Ph.D., Author, Founder, and Innovator, Be A Change, LLC; and Amy Allen, Sr. Manager, Professional Learning Services, Learning A-Z
Presented by Dr. Lucy Calkins, Robinson Professor of Literacy at Teachers College, Columbia University, Founding Director at The Reading & Writing Project at Mossflower, and Senior Author of Units of Study in Writing, Reading, and Phonics; Katy Wischow, Staff Developer, The Reading & Writing Project at Mossflower; and Kara Arnold, Staff Developer, The Reading & Writing Project at Mossflower
Presented by Marjorie Bottari, Director of Content Development, Heggerty; and Lori Jurjovec, Literacy Specialist, Heggerty