Presented by Kathleen Geraghty, K-5 District Resource Teacher, and Implementation Specialist, TCI; and Kelsey Moore, National Account Manager, TCI
Maybe your state reading scores show your students are below grade expectations, or teachers have noticed that as students move up in grades, they don’t have the decoding skills to read more advanced texts. As an education leader, there are a few foundational strategies you can put in place to support your staff and students.
Presented by Robyn Moore, Ed.D., Elementary Literacy Coordinator, Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools (VA); Elise Lovejoy, MA, CEO and Founder, Express Readers; and Sharon Dunn, M.Ed., Sharon Dunn, MTSS Leadership Consultant, LLC
Moderated by Terrie Noland, Ph.D., CALP, Vice President of Educator Initiatives, Learning Ally
Presented by Kristina Smekens, President and Lead Consultant, Smekens Education Solutions
Presented by Seema Tejura, Founder and Managing Director, The Literacy Architects; Caitlin Deckard, Science of Reading Specialist, The Literacy Architects; and Nicole Nelson, National Curriculum Consultant, Learning A-Z
Presented by Alexa Volland, Video Producer, The News Literacy Project; and Brittney Smith, Senior Manager of District Partnerships, East, The News Literacy Project
Presented by Loyal Frazier, High School Teacher and Teachers’ Curriculum Institute (TCI) Trainer; and Brian Thomas, Former Classroom Teacher, Current Learning Designer, Teachers’ Curriculum Institute (TCI)
Presented by Chrisie Moritz, Literacy Consultant, Heinemann Publishing
Presented by Dan Evon, Senior Manager of Education Design, The News Literacy Project; and Brittney Smith, Senior Manager of District Partnerships, East, The News Literacy Project
Presented by Dr. Steve Tetreault, School Library Media Specialist, New Jersey Association of School Librarians; and Jennifer Ehehalt, Sr. Regional Manager, Common Sense Education