Tips for Constructing Meaningful and Compliant IEPs

Presented by Dr. Clarissa Rosas, Associate Professor, Education Chair, Special Education, Concordia University; and Dr. Kathy Winterman, Director, School of Education, Xavier University

Personalized Learning: The Why, How, and What

Presented by Eric Sheninger, Associate Partner, International Center for Leadership in Education
Moderated by Siobhan Nordstrom, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Student Vaping Prevention and Tools to Quit

Presented by Amy Taylor, Chief of Community Engagement, Truth Initiative; and Jessie Stone Fox, M.Ed., Sr. Director, K12 Community Engagement, EVERFI

Strategies for Effective Read Alouds

Presented by Claudia Castillo-Magallanez, Professional Learning Consultant - Bilingual Specialist, Frog Street

Adopting a Proactive Versus Reactive Approach to Cybersecurity in K-12 Districts

Presented by Colleen Hoy, Director, Product Management, ENA by Zayo; Lisa Higgins, Chief Technology Officer, Collierville Schools (TN); Beverly Miller, MBA, Assistant Director of Schools for Administration and Chief Technology Officer, Greeneville City Schools (TN); and Davion Washington, Network Administrator, Collierville Schools (TN)
Moderated by Monica Cougan, Senior Manager Strategic Relations, ENA by Zayo

Informed or Influenced? Media and News Literacy Skills for Election Season and Beyond

Presented by Alexa Volland, Senior Manager, Educator Professional Learning, News Literacy Project; Jill Hofmockel, Teacher-Librarian, West High School (IA); Molly June Roquet, Education Librarian, Saint Mary’s College of California; and Shaelynn Farnsworth, Senior Director of Education Partnership Strategy, News Literacy Project

Putting It All Into Practice: Making the Shift to Accelerate Language and Literacy

Presented by Kelly Forbes, President of the Oklahoma Association for Bilingual Education; Lynmara Colón, Ph.D., Director of Student Opportunity and Multilingual Services, Prince William County Public Schools (VA); Dr. Karen Henery, Director for ESOL/Multilingual Services, Little Rock School District (AR); and Jennifer Hernandez, Emergent Bilingual Solution Account Executive, Lexia Learning

Choosing Equitable, High-Quality STEM Curricula and the Impact It Can Have

Presented by Doug Dowell, STEM Coordinator and Grant Supervisor, Central Kitsap School District (WA); Laura Toney, Coordinator of College and Career Readiness, Madera Unified School District (CA); and Amanda Cramer, Digital Literacy and Computer Science Specialist, Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative (AMSTI), Alabama Department of Education
Moderated by Jill Olson, Senior Director, Operations and Professional Development, EiE®, Museum of Science, Boston

Checking In on Behavior: 5 Ways to Improve Student Outcomes with Behavior Supports

Presented by Sonja Davidson, Director of Student Advocacy Services, Ogden School District (UT); Jennifer McComas, Director of Special Education, Heath City School District (OH); and Guadalupe De La O, Assistant Principal of STEM and Scholar Culture, Alliance College-Ready Middle Academy 4 (CA)
Moderated by Nick Woolf, Playbook Content Director, Panorama Education

Race and Learning Disabilities: Barriers and Ramps to Ensure Robust and Appropriate Teaching and Learning

Presented by Dr. Temple Lovelace, Founder and Director, Assessment for Good, Advanced Education Research and Development Fund (AERDF); Bennison (Bb) Ntsakey, Senior Educational Consultant, Blueprint Collective; and Samantha Schmitt, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Coordinator, Fanny Edel Falk Laboratory School, University of Pittsburgh (PA)
Moderated by Barbara Pape, Senior Director, Learner Variability Project, Digital Promise

What Is the Science of Biliteracy?

Presented by Dr. Kathy Escamilla, Professor Emerita of Education, University of Colorado Boulder; and Doris Chávez-Linville, Director of Linguistic and Culturally Diverse Innovation, Renaissance

How Hands-On Invention Education Can Turn an Idea into a Discovery for Your Students

Presented by Ayaan Naqvi, Student Inventor, St. Joseph High School (CT); and Mickey (Mika'il) Naqvi, Student Inventor, St. Joseph High School (CT)
Co-Moderated by Arianna Anderson, Student Inventor, Pathways Academy of Technology and Design (CT); and Deborah D. Carr, Education Outreach Specialist, USPTO, OCCO, Office of Education

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