Decreasing Absenteeism and Its Effects with Meaningful Strategies

Presented by Brian Marques, Sr. Director of Opportunity Youth, Boston Public Schools (MA); Aspen Florence, Educational Consultant, Utah State Board of Education; Cecelia Leong, Vice President of Programs, Attendance Works; and Nicole DellaRocco, Senior Account Director, Panorama Education

Successfully Integrating High-Impact Tutoring Into an MTSS Framework

Presented by Susanna Loeb, Professor of Education, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University; Angelin Thompson, Director of Extended Academic Learning, Denver Public Schools (CO); and Sarah Wilson, Tutoring and Policy Administrator, Ohio Department of Education & Workforce
Moderated by Toni Rader, Vice President of Learning Quality and Operations, Cignition, Inc.

Tier 3 Behavior Planning for School and District Leaders

Presented by Chris Causebrook, M.S., District MTSS Specialist, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (NC); and Trudy Bender, Ed.S., NCSP, Senior Manager of Thought Leadership Content, Branching Minds

Today’s MTSS Classroom: Meeting the Instructional Needs of ALL Students

Presented by John Eisenberg, Executive Director, NASDSE; Traci Hogan, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, Greenville County Schools (SC); Scott Rhymer, Assistant Superintendent for School Leadership, Greenville County Schools (SC); Julie Weatherly, Esq., Owner, Resolutions in Special Education, Inc.; Phyllis Wolfram, Executive Director, Council of Administrators of Special Education; and Dr. Suzanne Jimenez, National Director, Innovation and Insights, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Early Warning Systems and MTSS: How to Flag and Prevent Student Failure

Presented by Sarah Frazelle, M.A., Co-Director, National Student Attendance and Engagement Center, and Senior Researcher, AIR; Trudy Bender, Ed.S., NCSP, Senior Manager of Thought Leadership Content, Branching Minds; and Emily-Rose Barry, VP of Product, Branching Minds

Building Academic Impact Into Your District Strategies: Making the Grade

Presented by Dr. Angie Brooks, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Coppell Independent School District (TX); Mary Kennington, Director of Accountability, Assessment, & Multi‑Tiered Systems of Support, Coppell Independent School District (TX); and Jennifer Martin, Principal, Town Center Elementary School, Coppell Independent School District (TX)
Moderated by Kevin Hazel, Account Manager, Panorama Education

Improving Attendance: Levers Within Your District’s Locus of Control

Presented by Dr. Jodi Nocero, Director, Pupil Services, Oxnard School District (CA); Tara Ramirez, Manager of Federal and State Grants, Oxnard School District (CA); Dr. Kelvin Roldán, Deputy Commissioner for System Transformation, Rhode Island Department of Education; and Douglas Coulter, Director of Data Science, Panorama Education
Moderated by Meagan Naboulsi, Account Manager, Panorama Education

Strategic Literacy Innovation: Transforming Literacy Outcomes with Supplemental Support

Presented by Kelly Johnson, Director of Schools, Clinton City Schools (TN); Dr. Judith J. White, Chief Academic Officer, Prince George’s County Public Schools (MD); Dr. Anna Stubblefield, Superintendent, Kansas City Kansas Public Schools (KS); and Cari Stanley, Program Specialist, Etiwanda School District (CA)
Moderated by Dr. Donna Wright, Retired School Superintendent and Education Consultant

Using Writing as a Tool for Improving Reading and Learning

Presented by Dr. Michael Hebert, Professor and Associate Dean of Teacher Education in the School of Education, University of California, Irvine, and Director of the UCI Writing Project
Moderated by Pam Austin, Director of Instructional Technology, Voyager Sopris Learning

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