Grant Writing 101: Show Me the Money!

Presented by Matthew Waynee, Cinematic Arts Instructor and EdTech Consultant, Los Angeles Unified School District/USC Media Arts and Engineering Magnet School (CA)

Utilizing ESSER Funding to Implement PBL + STEM Initiatives

Presented by Kevin Walters, Supervisor, Grants Contracts and School Support, Michigan Department of Education; Mark Whelton, Superintendent, Bridgeport-Spaulding Community School District (MI); and Marilyn Powell-Barnes, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Lincoln Elementary School District 156 (IL)

Fund Your STEM Learning Initiatives: Tips and Opportunities

Presented by Theresa Deussen, Ph.D., Founder and Researcher, Informed Decisions Research; Stacy Thibodeaux, Science Educator, Southside High School (LA); and Olga Vargas, Chief Marketing Officer, Vernier Software & Technology

Building Sustainable K-12 STEM Programs: Best Practices for Success

Presented by Nathan Manley, Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Neosho School District (MO); Jeff Remington, STEM Outreach Liaison, Penn State Center for Science and The Schools (CSATS); Johanna Roche, 5-8 Curriculum Director, Seven Generations Charter School (PA); and Matt Frankenbery, President and CEO, Pitsco Education

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