Interoperability: Seamlessly Sharing Data, Content, and Services Within School District Systems or Applications

Presented by Dr. Doug Brubaker, Superintendent, Texarkana Independent School District (TX); Dr. Michael T. Conner, Superintendent, Middletown Public Schools (CT); and Dr. Mary Wegner, Assistant Professor and Superintendent and Educational Leadership Coordinator, School of Education at the University of Alaska Southeast
Moderated by Ann McMullan, Project Director, CoSN (Consortium for School Networking) EmpowerED Superintendent Initiative

Creating Infographics That Ignite and Demonstrate Learning

Presented by Rachel Roberson, Senior Program Manager, Education Content, KQED; Angelica-Mae Valerio, Program Manager, STEM Education Professional Learning, KQED; and Victoria Lowe, School Librarian, New York City Department of Education

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