Join us for an edWebinar to explore the topic of trauma, the brain, and effective strategies to help teachers, students, and their families reach positive outcomes in school and at home.
In this edWebinar, we explore the metacognitive and social-emotional skills to best help students navigate this academic and personal life with success, as well as how educators can reinforce these skills, whether in person or at a distance.
Join this edWebinar to deepen your understanding of Tier 1 SEB supports and get guidance on integrating these supports into your back-to-school plans.
Join us for an edWebinar to unpack how to use data within your multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) to identify and address students’ social-emotional and behavioral (SEB) needs this fall in order to restart learning successfully.
Dr. Stephanie Jones emphasizes that when implementing effective social and emotional learning (SEL) strategies, educators, practitioners, and administrators need to think about the what, the why, and the how of the essential skills of SEL. In a recent edWebinar, Jones, Director of the Ecological Approaches to Social-Emotional Learning (EASEL) Lab, explained that there are six SEL domains studied and documented by researchers. The first three domains are skills and competencies: cognitive, emotional, and social, and the next three are belief ecologies: attitudes, habits of mind, and ways of thinking about the world. One way to think about how these two sets go together is that on the one hand are things that you learn and know how to do, and on the other is a set of internal guideposts that tell you to use those skills when it’s essential and when it matters.
Join this edWebinar to get to know amazing picture books, learn engaging questioning strategies for students, and consider talking points for professionals—all aimed at building students’ social-emotional strength.
In this edWebinar, Dr. Stephanie Jones will share three big ideas to consider for reimagining how SEL can happen in and outside of school.
This edWebinar will highlight innovative strategies to help us all become “emotion scientists” and inspire us to bring out the best in ourselves, each other, and our students.
Attend this edWebinar to explore the most actionable insights from the new 2020 report—along with educators’ tips for motivating struggling readers and for incorporating SEL into reading instruction.
This edWebinar will make a clear case for the need and responsibility of schools to equip students with tools to learn despite the trauma in their lives.