The most nerve-racking phase of a novice educator’s life is the transition from college student to student-teacher, to teacher. Taking lessons learned in the college setting and applying them in their new “real-world” situation can be a source of confusion and frustration. Join New Teacher Coach Shannon Holden as he gives tips, tricks, and practical advice to help new teachers launch their year – and career – the right way.
Novice teachers struggle in differentiating their instruction for special education students. Most new teachers can remember their “Students With Special Needs” course in college, and being aware that there would be special education students in their classroom. They are not, however, prepared for the reality of how many special education students they would have, and the severity of their disabilities.
The question now is not “where can I find help?” but “how can I quickly curate all of the resources available to find the best help for me and my students?” The options can be overwhelming!
One of the scariest thing a new teacher faces is the prospect of having to ask someone for help. Many novices would rather suffer in silence than reveal to a colleague that they are experiencing problems in the classroom.
Join new teacher coach Shannon Holden as he reveals a list of powerful online educational resources all teachers need to bookmark and keep handy for future use.
Due to the changing role of the teacher in the 21st century, educators are not seen by students and parents as “The Keeper of All Knowledge.” This is among the factors impacting the level of respect teachers receive from students and their parents. In this edWeb webinar from the New Teach Help community, middle school assistant principal Shannon Holden showed novices how to earn respect in the classroom.
Every teacher has been frustrated by disruptive and disrespectful students at some point in their teaching career. Your success rests on your ability to get your classroom quiet enough so that you can actually TEACH! New teacher coach Shannon Holden showed attendees how in this webinar.
Apps are everywhere, and it is a fact that apps can help people deal with any situation! In this edWeb webinar presented by middle school administrator, Shannon Holden, his top 15 smartphone apps to help teachers get organized, keep track of student grades and behavior, and engage students in the learning process are listed. K-12 educators using iOS or Droid smartphones are benefited.
According to Hattie (2009), who did a meta-analysis of hundreds of studies, formative assessment is in the Top 10 of effective teacher practices. So, the question becomes “How and when do I do formative assessments to maximize their effectiveness?”
The number one reason why new teachers leave the profession is “My administration does not support me.” It seems like administrator support should be a no-brainer – yet it doesn’t always happen. In this webinar, middle school Assistant Principal Shannon Holden showed beginning teachers how to earn the respect, cooperation, and support of their administration.