In this informative edLeader Panel, industry experts Dr. Kecia Ray and Susan Gentz will bring together a panel of education leaders to discuss maximizing district budgets.
While reopening plans for many school districts remain uncertain, a growing number of districts are planning to open remotely or use a hybrid model in which only some students are in an actual school building each day.
The extent of the challenges and unknowns involved in safely reopening our schools may seem daunting, but educational organizations and schools now involved in the process are developing helpful frameworks and innovative solutions that show what can be accomplished and how.
Join this edWebinar to learn about the Back to School Instructional Program Scheduling Map. The map includes multiple ideas for addressing special education compliance, staffing teams, and student schedules given health, safety, and social distancing requirements while prioritizing equity.
Join this edWebinar to deepen your understanding of Tier 1 SEB supports and get guidance on integrating these supports into your back-to-school plans.
Join us for an edWebinar to unpack how to use data within your multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) to identify and address students’ social-emotional and behavioral (SEB) needs this fall in order to restart learning successfully.
This edLeader Panel brings together two progressive forces in education: California’s Cajon Valley Union School District and Beable, which just introduced K-12’s first Life-Ready Literacy System.
Administrators will learn about strategies, resources, and best practices for crafting or refining their own reopening plans.
Attend this research-based edWebinar to see where to access K–12 Focus Skills for free—and how to use them to close performance gaps in the new school year.
In this edWebinar, leaders of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and Brooklyn Laboratory Charter Schools (LAB), in New York City, will discuss key questions we must all consider as we begin the journey back to school – from the school bus ride to the dismissal bell.