Presented by Heather Barnard, Digital Wellness Educator; and Jennifer Ehehalt, Sr. Regional Manager, Common Sense Education
Presented by Alex Kotran, Co-Founder and CEO, The AI Education Project; and Jennifer Ehehalt, Sr. Regional Manager, Midwest, Common Sense Education
Presented by Donnie Piercey, Educator and Author
Moderated by Kara Ball, Academic Officer and Author, Teacher Created Materials
Presented by Maryanne Wolf, Director of the Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice, UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies; and Carolyn Brown, Ph.D., Chief Academic Officer and Co-Founder, Foundations in Learning
Moderated by Tim Odegard, Murfree Chair of Excellence in Dyslexic Studies and Professor of Psychology, Middle Tennessee State University
What role can music play in school success? During the edLeader Panel “Boost Student Creativity and Engagement with Coding and Music,” experts and education leaders, including Alberto Carvalho, Superintendent of Los Angeles Unified School District, showed how the free Music Lab platform can help decrease absenteeism and increase engagement by giving students the opportunity to compose and remix music while learning essential coding and computer science skills.
Presented by Dr. Supreet Mann, Director of Research, Common Sense Media; and Daniel Vargas Campos, Program Manager, Common Sense Education
Moderated by Jennifer Ehehalt, Sr. Regional Manager, Common Sense Education
Presented by Jennifer Ehehalt, Sr. Regional Manager, Midwest, Common Sense Education; and Tali Horowitz, East Coast Education Director, Common Sense Education
Presented by Laurie Salvail, Executive Director, CYBER.ORG; Willie Henderson, Cyber Education Specialist, CYBER.ORG; and Tali Horowitz, East Coast Education Director, Common Sense Education
Moderated by Jennifer Ehehalt, Sr. Regional Manager, Common Sense Education
Join this edWebinar to learn more about contributing factors that need to be considered when implementing digital citizenship in your school or district.
One of the most important duties of teachers is creating inclusive learning environments, which often requires using technology. In the edLeader Panel “Inclusive Learning Environments: Simple Tech Solutions, Big Impact,” experts discussed creating inclusive learning environments and how incorporating technology can have profound impacts on students.