SETDA’s latest research, Navigating the Digital Shift 2018: Broadening Student Learning Opportunities, highlights how state policies are supporting the transformation to digital learning. Many states provide guidance for the implementation of digital materials in districts to help ensure that they are available to all learners. However, some districts may not have any state guidance at all. In a recent webinar, presenters from Idaho and Pennsylvania discussed how state and district leadership support digital learning opportunities and implement digital materials.
In this edWebinar, Jeff Meyer, Director of Education from, provides insight on the 12 essentials of digital literacy.
In this #edWebinar, explore the two primary approaches to technology integration: SAMR and TPACK.
It is rare that things go as planned after selecting or purchasing new digital content, services, and tools. Building a culture of shared understanding and cross-departmental responsibility for how digital integration is approached is crucial to the success of any digital strategy. In a recent edWebinar, presenters from Vancouver Public Schools in Washington shared their processes for selecting and integrating digital content and resources to ensure effective implementations.
As a growing number of school districts are turning towards digital tools to support teaching, it’s important to ensure that these tools are adding value by transforming learning experiences. The SAMR model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) and TPACK model (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) can help schools as they transition to using more digital tools. In a recent edWebinar, Michelle Luhtala, Library Department Chair, New Canaan High School, CT, reviewed these models and discussed apps that can take teaching, learning, and reading to the next level.
In this edWebinar, Ron Spreeuwenberg, Co-founder and CEO of HiMama, discusses how digital tools are an enabler for busy teachers that are wearing so many hats to both get the documentation done that they need to get done, as well as to live the experience of recording observations together with a child.
We’ve found the audience to be highly engaged and think this platform is a great space to collaborate with the various sectors involved in edtech research.
This edWebinar discusses best practices for using technology to improve student achievement and educator empowerment district wide.
Join Common Sense to learn about their Device Free Dinner initiative, including the latest research on media, kids and families.
In this edWebinar, Kayce Freed Jennings, shares the story behind the film Girl Rising, and how it has inspired a global movement today.